Tuesday 19 April 2011

Look at the picture

Look closely at this picture…closer, closer, no she’s not sitting, she was supposed to be sitting, but as she sat for her photo, she misjudged the step and fell backwards.
Yes I clicked the camera while she was falling, the look on her face… no its not panic because she does stupid stuff so often that it doesn’t worry her… look at the face… its embarrassment, yes my dog was embarrassed that she was falling of the step and I post the photo on the internet, how nasty am i?
Makes me feel good that my dog is as stupid as me though.
Oh and also DogLady has gone on holiday... you know what that means, NO GREEN JUICE FOR A WEEK!

Awesome Mushroom

Check out this, I’ve never seen a mushroom like the one in cartoons before, we found it on our morning walk and I think its awesome!